Author Topic: 10 years ago...But I'm still here!!!  (Read 1879 times)


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10 years ago...But I'm still here!!!
« on: March 30, 2019, 11:03:44 AM »
Disclaimer: L-O-N-G post Please consider this as just venting as I am not seeking sympathy or pity, but on this exact date, 10 years ago, my life inexplicably changed forever! But, I'M STILL HERE!!! I suffered a severe stroke so massive that the emergency room doctor told my sister something like: "another 30 minutes, and the outcome would have been much different"! But, I'M STILL HERE!!! I was granted another chance at life by The Lord. Yes, He's given me obstacles like left side weakness resulting in arm paralysis. With His help, I was able to learn how to walk again. But, I'M STILL HERE!!! Thankfully, my speech and voice have remained relatively unaffected! Still, it's been very difficult for me to accept the negative aspects and changes that I have had to experience since then. I am constantly being reminded that "you've come a long way back from where you were a decade ago". But, I'M STILL HERE!!! I have come to understand that there are those who had the same thing happen to them who are much worse off...I now am totally dependent on Social Security Disability because I'm unable to do what I used to do. But, I'M STILL HERE!!! I would love to get back to the job I love and had the privilege to be a part of. (Thankfully, I'm still with Watkins Glen!!!) But the reality is that it's unlikely to get all the way back to the health I once enjoyed. There ARE several positives that I need to focus on now! I am fortunate to have several great people in my life that allow me to get back to being "normal" (whatever that is/was!). But, I'M STILL HERE!!! I hate making lists because I don't wish to leave anyone out that have been of great help to me during this time of my life. Hopefully, you should know how you've been able to help me out. I will name the top three. Obviously, God is first, my sister Mary Kay Gomora, is next and Michelle Hardaway, has handled the heavy load, despite having her own personal burdens to bear! Apparently, God has more for me to do, so I guess I have more people to torque off! But, I'M STILL HERE!!!
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government powerful enough to take away everything that you have."


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Re: 10 years ago...But I'm still here!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 01:00:35 PM »
Continued good health to you, Mike, and here's to another 10 least.


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Re: 10 years ago...But I'm still here!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2019, 03:31:03 PM »
Thank you very much!
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government powerful enough to take away everything that you have."