Author Topic: Mid-term Elections  (Read 1637 times)


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Mid-term Elections
« on: October 23, 2018, 07:55:27 AM »
I don't want to start any sort of mud-slinging here, so I'll keep it brief.....

Unless I'm dead wrong, it appears that many of the posters here, are a pretty "conservative" bunch, if you know what I mean. Therefore, I'm urging all of you to get out and vote, in the upcoming mid-term elections. The liberals seem to be determined to tear down the long standing traditions of our great country, and unless we vote for representatives that share our values, we could be in trouble for generations to come.

This election, and the 2020 Presidential election, could be the most important elections in our lifetimes. Please, don't sit home, and then later be upset about how things turned out. Do the right thing, and vote!!