Do you really think you are helping the racing situation in NY ? As I see it you are only aggravating the people involved with no SKIN coming out of your wallet. What is your point ? I think I had neighbors like you , too f#ck@in busy with something that has no reason for you to poke the bear.
Interesting response, and to a certain degree, I have to say that I agree. We all know that our self described, "Imperial Governor", hos zero interest in motorsports, and by all appearances, hopes that it goes away. Therefore, what good does it do, for the sport as a whole, to agitate the state government, by saying, "Well you let Bethel Speedway operate, so why can't the rest of the tracks"??
You HAVE to know that given that sort of attitude, the State will simply say, "You know, Mr. Pettinelli, you're right, NONE of the tracks should be in operation, so thanks for bringing that to our attention. We'll see to it that Bethel Speedway is shut down".