You hit the nail squarely on the head there Blackjack, the money was better at Angelica back in the early 60's because my Dad won three features there in 1962 and they paid 150 to win for two of them and 200 for the Labor Day race, I still have those envelopes somewhere, of course, if I can dig them out someday
All the classes from the B's to the Modern class paid better than most tracks at Angelica, but they got hellacious crowds at the Fairgrounds back fifty plus years go so I presume they could afford it
I know Soper always told me that Angelica paid a lot better, and like you said blackjack, the scratch was why he came west in those days. And besides, the competition was top notch and Soper always loved a challenge
I miss that crazy 'ol sidewinder Soper, not only was he the best I ever watched in those days along with Dean Layfield, but one hell of a hunter as well ! The man could do almost anything he put his mind to !