Author Topic: BETHEL MOTOR SPEEDWAY  (Read 6552 times)


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« on: August 23, 2020, 08:28:25 AM »
I took a road trip yesterday and checked out Bethel Speedway in White Lake ,N.Y. or Swan Lake depending on who you ask but it is a cool banked 1/4 mile asphalt track minutes from Bethel Woods which is the site of the original WOODSTOCK music festival.I was surprised that it is only 80 miles from Binghamton.I just thought i would share this seeing how RACENY is kind of dead these days.The one name that many may recognize that races there is Ed Dachenhausen ,a former winner at Chemung.


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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2020, 09:17:33 AM »
I still would like to know how they run while other ny tracks can't


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« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2020, 12:28:05 PM »
 I believe  it  is  called   " POLITICS "  ,  sorry just my  guess ...


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« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2020, 01:04:23 PM »
Who is the owner?


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« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2020, 08:30:23 AM »
  My son and I checked it out one night while in the area. Decent car count, good racing.


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« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2020, 09:49:43 PM »
The question still remains - why can they have spectators and no one else can? I have asked my local politicians with no answer. Maybe the rest of you should do the same.
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« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2020, 10:56:06 PM »
we went there 3-4 years ago. nice place, small track. also went to the Bethel Performing Arts Center on the site of original Woodstock - very cool place!


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« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2020, 12:56:20 PM »
Lots of time on the phone with various "elected officials" - loosely used - not sure if they were elected in the true sense of the word.

Started with a phone call by another track owner that was given "no comment" on how they are allowed to operate.

All the rest of my calls were started with and repeatedly asking how others can do the same without receiving a cease and desist letter from the Governors own extortion department - The New York State Liquor Authority.

Call to Sullivan county Manager - "sorry, that is handled through our Sullivan County Public Health Services Department I will leave a message for you." No return phone call. So, I returned one to Nancy McGraw, LCSW, MBA, MPH, Public Health Director. "I'm sorry, she is on conference calls all day, can I help you" The woman identified herself as her executive assistant, or to that effect. I asked how this can happen since May and no one else can. She said that it can't unless they are following the State guidelines. She said if it were going on and no one complained she would have never heard anything.

The smell of this whole thing is getting repugnant.

She went on to tell me that I should call the COVID complaint line if I have a complaint or concern.

I called.

They have no list that shows who has had a complaint lodged/alledged - accessable to the "complaint taker".  All they could do is take a complaint.

This whole thing has the smell of a barrel of rotten fish and I stated as such to all listeners on the other end of my calls.

So, YES, I submitted a complaint inclusive of all locations of proof of this occurring. I will attempt to follow up this week.

I did not hide behind a false name, nor did I submit it anonymously, NOR FROM BEHIND A MASK- I GAVE MY FULL NAME AND CONTACT INFO.

I will let everyone know the outcome.
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« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2020, 12:06:07 PM »
As promised ater no less than a dozen follow up calls and emails:

On 10/7/2020 5:05 PM, Coddington, Chris J (HEALTH) wrote:
> Hello Mr. Pettinelli,

> Hope you are well.
> The best was to reach me is by this email address. I provided you with my private phone number because I was on vacation when we last spoke and wanted to make sure we touched base as quickly as possible. Going forward please use this email address to reach me.
> I prepared staff to perform a field this past weekend and we were redirected to assist with emergency Covid duties in the Hudson Valley and NYC. We did contact the owner via phone and provided education. Sullivan County Public Health Services/Sullivan County, did send the facility a cease and desist letter on July 31, 2020 as well. We have scheduled another date of inspection and after the inspection I will let you know what we found. I did confirm that they do not have a liquor license so the Liquor Authority would not be involved. Thanks so much

> Chris Coddington
> NYSDOH District Director
> Monticello Office

My response his morning, which, by the way, went to 48 track owners and their respective Assemblyman and Senators:


I apologize for the use of the number, I assumed that since you used it to contact me, it was a work phone.

Why is it that they continued to operate WITH fans, and advertised as much, after a cease and desist letter?

Why is it that the Sullivan County Manager as well as the Sullivan County Health Services commissioner (aides/office managers) stated that they had not even heard that the speedway was operating?

As I have said before, something smells of either incompetence or of political favoritism. This goes against all the guidelines Mr. Cuomo set forth. If it was the case that ALL the other motorsports facilities could have operated WITH fans under some sort of guidelines, why were these not put forth to all facilities? There are quite a few (48 that I have on file) that would surely have enjoyed operating all summer to actually earn a living and pay their bills.

I look forward to your findings and answers.


Tony Pettinelli

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« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2020, 04:45:03 AM »
Do you really think you are helping the racing situation in NY ? As I see it you are only aggravating the people involved with no SKIN coming out of your wallet. What is your point ? I think I had neighbors like you , too f#ck@in busy with something that has no reason for you to poke the bear.


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« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2020, 07:29:51 AM »

This has nothing to do with racing and everything to do with your basic rights, as well as mine, as a citizen and business owner. I don't care if someone is doing better than me on the race track, in business or in life - as long as we all have the same rules to follow and opportunities to achieve. I just work harder to accomplish my goals, I don't tuck my tail and run away. In case you haven't noticed, Mr. Cuomo has stacked the deck against MANY businesses and the sheep that follow do nothing to help as long as he keeps feeding them with handouts. ALL types of businesses are failing and going broke due to the LACK of guidance and leadership from Albany. Have you, as a business owner, even TRIED to follow the contradicting, confusing and circling "guidelines" put forth by Albany? This just happens to be a situation that I can blatantly see unfolding. In case you don't think Mr. Cuomo has contempt for motorsports in general, look at his track record and his plans future plans for NY - Fairgrounds, fossil fuel initiatives, etc..

If your neighbor didn't have to pay taxes on his home because he was a contributor or crony of a politician and your taxes went up two times, what would your position be then?

If the farmers and militia didn't stand up to the British, you would be drinking tea three times a day.

Take your stand as you see fit, I will respect it and I will continue with mine.

Tony P
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« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2020, 07:34:25 AM »
Do you really think you are helping the racing situation in NY ? As I see it you are only aggravating the people involved with no SKIN coming out of your wallet. What is your point ? I think I had neighbors like you , too f#ck@in busy with something that has no reason for you to poke the bear.

Interesting response, and to a certain degree, I have to say that I agree. We all know that our self described, "Imperial Governor", hos zero interest in motorsports, and by all appearances, hopes that it goes away. Therefore, what good does it do, for the sport as a whole, to agitate the state government, by saying, "Well you let Bethel Speedway operate, so why can't the rest of the tracks"??

You HAVE to know that given that sort of attitude, the State will simply say, "You know, Mr. Pettinelli, you're right, NONE of the tracks should be in operation, so thanks for bringing that to our attention. We'll see to it that Bethel Speedway is shut down".



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« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2020, 07:42:10 AM »
If that was what I was trying to accomplish, I would have started this in June when it was exposed not at the end of the season after they ran all year.

I have brought attention for other groups by pointing out the discrepancies and ambiguity put forth - disabled veterans that were discriminated against with his guidelines for recreation, religious groups that could not worship but could go to Walmart with a thousand others...
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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2020, 09:40:54 PM »
 Therefore, what good does it do, for the sport as a whole, to agitate the state government, by saying, "Well you let Bethel Speedway operate, so why can't the rest of the tracks"??

It's this kind of attitude that frost my a$$ here. This transcends racing what is going on in our society today.  Racing is on pretty shaky ground if it all hinges on the whims of  one elected official  who occupies the mansion in Albany . He serves US. ( or is supposed to) . The real issue is our elected (so called) representatives are not serving our general interest. Why and how come the rules are being selectively enforced?  So Tony is the bad guy because he simply wants an answer to a embarrassing question?   Who would put up with that in the tech barn? A level playing field is all  people want's always been the way. Sure Foot...just shut your taxes....don't question anything...we (the government) have your back.

F THAT!!! 

Enjoy your boxcar ride ..........f,n fools 
"do I look nervous?" (no) " There's your answer."


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« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2020, 03:05:40 PM »
Therefore, what good does it do, for the sport as a whole, to agitate the state government, by saying, "Well you let Bethel Speedway operate, so why can't the rest of the tracks"??

It's this kind of attitude that frost my a$$ here. This transcends racing what is going on in our society today.  Racing is on pretty shaky ground if it all hinges on the whims of  one elected official  who occupies the mansion in Albany . He serves US. ( or is supposed to) . The real issue is our elected (so called) representatives are not serving our general interest. Why and how come the rules are being selectively enforced?  So Tony is the bad guy because he simply wants an answer to a embarrassing question?   Who would put up with that in the tech barn? A level playing field is all  people want's always been the way. Sure Foot...just shut your taxes....don't question anything...we (the government) have your back.

F THAT!!! 

Enjoy your boxcar ride ..........f,n fools

A little "triggered", are we???

I've written my supposed "representatives" several times, over this, as well as other issues that are causing us a lot of grief, this year. I KNOW A NUMBER OF NUMBER OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE TOO. But so far, nothing has changed, so either our "representatives" are too lazy or too afraid of "Commandant Cuomo" to do anything that "we the people want". What else do you suggest we do?

My point, which you apparently don't understand or appreciate, is this....If at least one race track is somehow or other able to find some "loophole" to operate, then why make an issue of it, and therefore draw attention to it, and risk having Albany "take a closer look at it", and decide to shut it down, through yet another "BS" regulation?

Is THAT what you would prefer to do??