The current crop of elected Democrats are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the rudest people ever to hold a public office. They have allowed their "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrome) to fester within them, to the point that they don't even know how to act in a civil manner. Funny thing, however, Nancy's daughter was interviewed after the SOTU, and said something to the effect that that was the same way that Nancy treated her, when she was a teen-ager.
Since we're in the neighborhood, there are a couple of things I'd like to mention....First, it appears that the Mueller "investigation" must A) be wrapping up; and B) as expected, is coming up empty. Why do I think this? If you may have noticed, the weasel-like Rep from California, Adam Schiff has proclaimed that he's preparing all sorts of investigations of Trump's past financial dealings. Russia, Russia, Russia didn't work, so the new excuse for disruption will be money, money, money.
Secondly, keep your eyes open and be prepared to go toe to toe with that fool Alexandra Ocaisio-Cortez. Her liberal, mental fog has her convinced that her "green energy" program, designed to outlaw fossil fuels, is the wave of the future. However, at least in the short term, it will destroy most phases of the way America currently operates. Which is their goal. ANYTHING that consumes oil or coal is bad, to them, and needs to be outlawed....period.
Think seeing race tracks shut down is bad news?? If she, and her ilk, have their way, we won't even be driving cars, let alone racing them. Think about it, the libs usually go after their agenda, bit by bit. Can't outlaw cars and trucks overnight, but they'll go after it inch by inch. Only critical use of cars and trucks will be allowed, and determined by THEM, what is "critical". Cars going round and round in circles......probably not critical, at least defined by them.
Tread carefully, and vote even more carefully......that's my advice for the day.