The Astacio Saga drags on....
According to the latest reports, even though the Judge has been removed from the bench, she still faces charges for attempting to illegally purchase a firearm. Her lawyer petitioned the court to have a change of venue, thinking that she can't get a fair trial in Monroe County.
WOW, they're going through the hassle and expense, to move the trial to another county. What constitutes a "fair and impartial jury"? She was in direct violation of her probation, attempting to buy a gun. A gun is NOT essential to daily life, and she was caught in the act, which pretty much demonstrates, on it's own, that she violated her probation. Why even the need for a trial?
If, on the other hand, she was buying food or clothing, essentials for life, I might see the need for some sort of hearing, because maybe, JUST MAYBE there was some sort of misunderstanding on the terms of her probation. But buying a gun....what kind of nonsense will she dream up next, to waste taxpayer's time and money???